Thursday, July 1, 2010

A bit of Sunshine

There was some sun today, which was good because it rained the past four of five days straight (since Friday or Saturday). I don´t mind the rain so much as the small comforts of home like say a ¨warm¨ shower after a days work in the rain or the ability to dry anything. That sounds kind of wah, probably because I haven´t had a cigarette in over a week, but one of the things I set out to do was quit so that´s the way its gonna have to be for a bit. It was a pretty productive day though, I started working on a new song about my guitar. And the best part of today...while having lunch a cartoon came on...DUCKTALES... I was stunned and told the kids how I used to watch that show after I came home from school when I was 8 or 9 years old. I´m starting to get the ear for their brand of Spanish, like us they shorten a lot of words, for instance for the last week I´ve been hearing mano Chris (pronounced crease) in which mano means ¨hand¨ Only to find out that they have been saying hermano ¨brother¨ Chris. Duh. Also today while mixing about 2 yards of concrete by hand I thought alot about this thing that has been on my mind for a while. In relation to the Immigration Law and such, I always laugh about the discrimination that alot of nascar fan whites complain about illegals. It´s funny to me because to return the generalization, they all like country and what country star doesn´t have a song about drinking some form of alcohol in Mexico. Hell, Kenny Chesney has like five, and Jimmy Buffet, and Sammie Hagar have made a living off it. Sorry Parrotheads and Van Hagar fans but you can´t have it both ways. atleast not on my watch.

1 comment:

  1. This was good for a laugh. Sounds like you're having a good time and a serious change of pace, pretty jealous of your ability to do that since I've never really traveled much at all. Hows that for a run-on sentence?
