Saturday, July 10, 2010

Photos for Real

So, I´m not good at this kind of stuff if I can´t copy and paste, or whatever so this is the best I think I can do. I have uploaded the photos to a Flikr account, and the link works so you can get to them by just clicking. I have added some captions that you might want to check out, they explain stuff. Remember the old myspace days?...Someone please comment on my photos. I got most the kids, still trying to get that elusive family shot that they say I can have no problem. Also, keep in mind that these photos are most recent first, just like the blogs, so to go to the beginning, go to the end.


  1. Hey brother,
    Been keepin track of you on the blog n those are really sweet pics of your spot. I just wanted to let you know I hadnt forgot about you n am proud n inspired by what your doing. I wish I was there helpin ya. Ive tried to post comments a couple times now w no success so Im gunna leave this one short n see if it works.

  2. es increible. Esta trabajando. Este ves in espanol. Chris tu estas mi amigo viejo. Tenemos mucho tiempo felizes y tiempos malos. Pero todo el tiempo somos amigos. Este vida es chiquito y cuando tu ayuda personas tu tienes amore in tu corazon. Cuando tu tienes amore tu tienes todo en este vida. Amore es mas importante de dinero y todo de cara cosas en este vida. Tu vida es mas mejor a hora y yo seloso de ti. Lo ciento para mi espanol. Es mucho tiempo de no escriber. hablamos luego. Vaya con dios

  3. right on man! I can get the gist of most of what the Spanish part is. You´ll be needing to cook me a big meal once i get done with this deal, that´s along time off, but I´m pretty sure I´m gonna need it.

  4. The spanish is supposed to say. Its incredible its working. Chris you are an old frined and weve had a lot of good n bad times. But all the time we were friends. This life is small n when you help people you have love in your heart. When you have love in your heart you have everything in life. Love es more important then money and all the other things in life. Your life is better now and Im jealous of you. sorry for my spanish. its a long time since ive written it. talk to you later. Go with god.

    Cookin is all I do these days. Been making lots of bread and baked goods. My garden startin to pump out zuchinni n ancho peppers, n jalapenos, n tomatoes. Gunna start makin tom sauce n salsa here soon.
    Ive just been relaxing, writing poetry, cooking n singing alot. I tell everyone about when I didnt have a radio in my car n u would just play guitar n we would all sing. Good times!Miss you n love ya brother. Peace
