Monday, July 12, 2010

Roads? We don´t Need Roads Where We´re Going!

So, I guess that I have come to terms with the fact that there´s going to be quite a bit of humor that I´ll admit is cutting edge. While watching the Olympics, and several other news stories, myself and roommates were saddened at the tragic story of the athlete that had passed away in a training run on the luge course. Then a friend who happens to be Canadian, found it to be more than happenstance that the speed the luger was traveling happened to be the exact same speed as one that was referenced in a movie we were watching just before we switched to the news.

Also, note that Michael J. (also Canadian) was a big part of the opening and closing ceremonies. Also thanks to my buddy Brian for making this video a reality, and also reposting it after the International Olympic Committee banned it in January.

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