Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More info- formal

I arrived in the small town of Patzun, Guatemala on Thursday, June 25 with the promise of being here to serve for a year with a local missionary. Ken Spaugh, a missionary through CAM International out of Dallas, TX has been the overseer of the congregation of the Alpha y Omega Church and its many functions. Since it´s purchase less than ten years ago they have been able to build a school that now has 27 students as well as several out buildings. I have come with the specific purpose of building an internet cafe that will be used for outreach as well as support of the church. We will get to building that as soon as we finish work on the structure of a water filtration building that will also be a great asset of outreach and recognition in the community. I am staying with the Coy family. The parents Juan and Flory have six children two boys and four girls: Juan Carlos (19) Jacqelinn (18) Pedro (17) Flory (15) Evelyn (11) and Shayla (2). The youngest daughter has been struggling with pneumonia. They are super religious. They go to the church everyday. Either to work or worship and sometimes both. I guess I do too now so...

I guess one thing that I have been thinking about is how much I like it down here because I don´t have to worry about anything. I just have to wake up at 6:45a, eat my cornflakes and go do grunt work (digging trenches, chiseling concrete, building sheds etc.). I don´t have to worry about a bunch of people overly worried about the he said she said of my life. I feel free from the rat race so to say. I was also thinking about and had a good laugh about how my buddy who recently got married commented on how god is super stoked when he and his wife have sex. That´s a funny thing to think about while digging a five foot deep trench. HA

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