Thursday, June 24, 2010

I made it

I made it. It was a long and humid layover in Atlanta, but all worked out. Got in to Guatemala City and went out for Chinese, go figure. Pretty tired seeing as it was close to 24 hours since I left Seattle and changed time zones four times, but of course had the time to go to the Guate version of costco. They even had the hotdog and chicken bake deal. Doesn't seem to be alot of beef, but they have everything else it seems. Not too weird so far, but we´ll see. Here is an address I can receive mail at:

Chris Erickson
c/o CAM International
Apdo. 2311
01901 Guatemala City, Guatemala

1 comment:

  1. I've started reading. I'm sorry I was so slow on the uptake, but I plan to catch up on all the old posts while I'm still in the states, and I'll continue to stay up to date once I'm back in Lesotho. Maybe this'll motivate me to write a bit more on mine.
    Sala Hantle (Stay Well)
