Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Straddling the Grid

Fair warning this is a post of less than sunny forecasts and many excuses

I once heard this great idea my friends wife had about writing a blog about being off the grid. We all found it genius aside from the fact that having a blog would be in direct contradiction to being off the grid, let alone having the electricity or phone connection to access it. Maybe a zine would be more authentic. Who knows, but in a few different circumstances it has come up that the proper name would be straddling the grid, which I believe I am currently doing.This is the main reason I haven´t posted anything for a while.

I have more pictures but I can´t find my connector cord and my camera wasn´t working for a while. Also the flikr folks want to charge me money to have more than 200 photos which I have past, so that´s currently up in the air.

So anyway being that I don´t have a computer and I moved to a different house without a computer... I don´t have one. There are internet cafes but they are expensive, so my time and budget for typing and editing of these things is on fumes.

I know that people have tried to leave comments and for some reason the program isn´t letting people sign up or cuts them off, etc. Sorry about that. Especially because without them it kind of defeats the conversation starting aspect of a blog.

Further I have deactivated my facebook account. I could go on a million different tangents about why I did this, but the number one reason I did so was in direct relation to my watching of the movie the Social Network. Everyone seems to be alive and functioning so I´ll take that as a sign that the world is still in balance.

More bad news. I will do my best to put up some pictures and post when I can, but the best way to hear from me is to email me at chriserickson@hotmail.com . If you do I promise you will get a response. I am very good about this now, as before I used to blow off emails (yes even from family and friends)yet I now have a new appreciation for the courtesy of doing so.

I have an email that I send once a month to the College Place Presbyterian Church and also send messages to those who have donated toward the completion of my development projects here. I encourage you to do so, and will be willing to talk with you about what the money is for, who it is helping, etc. any time. I don´t like the pay to play system much though so donation or not, if you want a monthly update, send me your email, and I´ll be in touch that way.

I´ll probably have to make atleast one more post because this one it too debbie downer to be my last.

Que le vaya bien,


1 comment:

  1. Straddle that grid. Good for you man. We dont need all the luxuries of modern society to function anyway. Im not off the grid but on my way there. Trying to grow all my own food n get my own animals n live life the way it was meant to b lived. Either way just wanted to send some love out to you n let you know were all proud of you. Let me know what else is going on and when your gunna be available back in the states. Via con dios.
